Editor42 Keyboard shortcuts
Blue = New to Version 0.4

 Common controls
Key Action
F1 Switch to Heightmap mode
F2 Switch to Texture mode
F3 Switch to Material Map mode
F4 Switch to Object mode
Spacebar Toggle between free-camera and free-cursor mode. Space or ESC to exit
A, S, D and W Move camera. W forward, S backward, A left, D right.
SHIFT + Move Move slower
Q Teleport to cursor. VERY USEFULL!!!
CTRL + 0-9 Save position
0-9 Recall position
TAB Toggle overhead map
M Toggle minimap preview. (CPU intensive, it will take a few seconds)
G Toggle Grid view
T Toggle Details texture
O Toggle Objects display
F Toggle Fog display
L Change sun position. Just point and press L.
K Change water position. Just point ground and press K.
Escape Cancel current mode. (Camera, road painting, adding and planting)
CTRL + N Create a new map.
CTRL + O Open a level.
CTRL + S Save current mode only. Also, in minimap preview, only minimap is saved.
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save all modes, including heightmap, textures, materials and minimap.

 Heightmap mode
Key Action
Left mouse button Raise/Lower : Raise terrain
Level : Level terrain to pointed position height
Set : Set terrain to picked height
Smooth : Smooth terrain
Right mouse button Raise/Lower : Lower terrain
Level : Level terrain to initial position
Set : Pick current height
Smooth : Smooth terrain (same as LMB)
SHIFT + MouseWheel Change brush speed
CTRL + MouseWheel Change brush size

 Texture mode
Key Action
Left mouse button Paint using current color source.
R Toggle road texturing mode. R or ESC to exit
E Change current colorsource layer settings
SHIFT + MouseWheel Texture mode : Change brush opacity
CTRL + MouseWheel Change brush size
MouseWheel (Road mode) Change brush size

 Material mode
Key Action
Left mouse button Paint using current material
Right mouse button Pick material
SHIFT + MouseWheel Material mode : Cycle material type
CTRL + MouseWheel Change brush size

 Object mode
Key Action
Left mouse button Select object
Right mouse drag Move, Rotate, Scale selected object.
Cancel object creation (when creating).
CTRL + Select Select multiple objects
SHIFT + Any move Smoother object move
MouseWheel Move object up and down
Page Up / Down Move object up and down
Delete Delete current selection
Insert Clone current selection
SHIFT + Create Create object in random direction (for planting forests).
Z Set action to move
X Set action to rotate
C Set action to scale. Scale is also used for changing control point radius.
Return Open object properties window.